Maintenance and Turnaround Works
UTOC's in-depth expertise in maintenance and turnaround management minimizes shutdown time and costs without compromising on safety and quality while often improving asset performance by concurrently executing modification scopes. Whether for emergency repairs, capital projects tie-ins, or major shutdowns, our teams follow a disciplined, multi-phase approach to plan, schedule, staff, and execute turnarounds of all sizes. |
We work closely with Clients to develop a progressive series of implementation plans, beginning well in advance of the maintenance and turnaround start date and concluding with post-project performance reviews. We optimize turnaround and modification projects to ensure timely delivery within budget and leverage installation outages for better asset-related business planing. |
We provide a range of plant maintenance and turn around services to the petrochemical industry, specializing in the repair, installation, relocation of piping, structural, and equipment. |
Major activities performed during annual shutdown includes: |
Equipment Replacement
/ Maintenance |
Replacement or
modification of Process
Piping & Steel Structure |
Furnace recoil works |
Bundle puller jobs |